Coats Thread is the only thread we use for our furniture. Would you believe that we only use two different threads for everything we do? We use size 69 Coats poly. We have found it is the perfect size for making a good looking stitch but not being too obvious. It doesn't take away from the upholstery when we do tufting or add buttons.
We run Consew 206 machines and Juki. Our oldest Consew is a RB-2 and the newest is a RB-5. We haven't bought a Consew in about 10 years. Over the last decade we have bought 6 Jukis. The Juki machines cost double the Consew but we have found a way to justify the cost. As we move from Consew to Juki, we have started winding our own bobbins. The Juki sewing machines have a fantastic winding system. With the Consews, we were buying prewound bobbins.
Based on my calculation, we can save almost $2000 per year by winding our own bobbins with our 5 machines. We have 5 Juki 1510-7 machines and we have 1 Juki LU2828 A-7. I know everyone loves the 1510-7 machines but thought that we could have some new advantages when we bought the 2828. It has a much longer reach. I am pretty sure no one uses the 2828 and it just sits there collecting dust. Luckily Juki machines retain their value. I am sure I can trade it in for at least 1 1510-7.
Now back to thread, we only have black and white. It makes it pretty easy. Typically if we are using a light color we use white and if we are using a dark color we use black. If we aren't sure what color to use, our sewers have mostly been with use 15-25 years so they remember which color to use. With only black and white, there isn't really a right or wrong.
We have used Coats 69 thread for decades. I had seen the Coats logo on the box for years and years and never realized that it was a large multinational public company. Coats is known as Coats Group PLC. It is a British Company headquartered in Uxbridge England UK.
It is the world's largest manufacturer and distributor of sewing thread and sewing supplies. It is also the second-largest manufacturer of zips and fasteners. Second only to YKK. Coats is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 250.
I have worked at Richardson Seating for over 20 years. I can't think of more than a few times we needed to fix something under warranty because the thread broke. With that in mind, we have made the decision to never change the size or brand of the thread that we use and we use a lot. Did you know that you order thread by the pound when you buy it in large quantities?