There are so many identical looking restaurant chairs out there. The wood ones especially similar. Have you noticed that everyone including us carries the same looking ladder back, school house, and lattice back wood chairs. There are lots of variations but those are pretty much the standbys. You can turn the lattice back chair into a variety of upholstered backs and seats so by carrying 3-4 chairs and 3-4 stools you get limitless combinations when you add upholstery choices. Most of the wood bar stools you see are made of Beech or Beechwood. Beechwood typically comes from Eastern Europe. The Beech is either machined in Eastern Europe and sent to the Unites States or the Beech gets sent to china and made in to parts and then the parts are sent to the USA. Some of the Chinese suppliers glue and assemble the chair in China while most send them in parts and the local manufacturer in the states assembles the chair or stool. The European machined parts are usually higher grade. There are a couple of ways to attach the chair parts. Everyone glues the parts but only some companies like us also use metal brackets in the joints to make sure the parts don't move. There is a difference when you buy from Richardson Seating. If you don't see the exact chair you like on our website, please contact us and we will get it for you.