When to ship truck and when to ship UPS/FedEx
Most of our items ship best wrapped to a skid. The only items that ship well UPS are the quick ship chairs and bar stools that we sell. That line consists of simple single ring bar stools and double ring bar stools with various types of seats with and without backs. We have developed ways of shipping these products in various stages of completion so that we ship less empty space. We can do 2 packs and 3 packs for our bar stool modl1950 and 1952. For model 1971 we have a custom insert that keeps the seat floating in the center of the box. We have found that with good thick corrugated and a tight fit, you can ship pretty much anything. We bring in about 13 different custom boxes in high volume and then store them until we need them. Buying in bulk allows us to save money on packing and pass the savings to you.