Top 8 Restaurant Booth Styles for 2020

Top 8 Restaurant Booth Styles for 2020

Restaurant booths are the perfect type of seating for small family gatherings during 2020.  Restaurant booths should be upholstered in Naugahyde so they can be easily wiped down before the next guest.  Here are the most popular styles of restaurant booths for 2020.
  1. Single Booth - A single restaurant booth is one of the most simple types of restaurant booths and can often be purchased stock.  They can come with various heights, widths, and depths so make sure to measure well.  What makes a booth a single booth is that it is a single structure with a seating surface only on one side.  The other side can be finished if it is going to be visible and it can be left unfinished if it is going to face a wall.
  2. Double Booth - A double booth is just two single booths facing out with a common middle.  Often you will find the single booth on the outside but if the booth is in between other booths, you usually use a double booth.  A typical restaurant could have a wall that started with a single booth, has 5 double booths in the middle, and then a single booth at the end.
  3. Wall Bench - Another way to incorporate booth seating into your restaurant is to install a long wall bench along one of the walls.  You can place tables at it in varying lengths but typically you would see two tops and four tops.  On the opposite side of the wall bench you place one or two chairs depending on the table.  This is a great way to maximize space because you can get the table really close to the wall.  When you have chairs, you need to leave more room.
  4. L Shaped Booths - One of the best ways to take advantage of a corner is by using a corner booth or an L Shaped Booth.  L Shaped Booths form an L by attaching two wall benches or can also be custom made.
  5. Circular Booths - a Circular booth is another great way to put a booth in the corner.  While the seating is circular, the actual build out of the circular restaurant booth is square.  You need to leave a little slice of the circle missing so that people can get into the booth.  With this type of round booth you can hold two people for a very fancy date or you can hold 6-8 people for a small family affair.
  6. Radius Booth - This type of booth is not done very much.  It is really hard to measure properly and install a radius booth.  When we say radius booth, we are referring to a booth that is a wall bench but is not against a flat wall.  As the wall curves, the radius bench or radius booth curves too.  When done properly a radius booth looks great.  They don't always make the best restaurant booth seating because it is hard to get them to face a table.  They do work well for waiting benches and decorative benches in stores.
  7. U Shaped Booth - A U Shaped booth is very similar to a circular booth.  The main difference is that the U shaped booth is more of an oval than a circle,  A U Shaped booth works in a corner but it doesn't need to be in a corner.  You can line up several U shaped booth next to each other as long as the table doesn't go all the way to the way.
  8. Waiting Bench - Waiting benches are used for customers to sit and wait for a table at your restaurant.  They are often large enough for about 4 people.  Unlike restaurant booths which tend to be attached to the floor and the wall, waiting benches are usually free to be moved.  A waiting bench is typically made without a back so that it is easy to pick up and move around.
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