If you are a distributor who sells promotional products you have come to the right place. You might be think that you don't sell bar stools and that may be true but if you give me a few minutes, I can try to explain some of the potential customers. So contrary to popular belief, almost none of our logo bar stools go to restaurants. We do make restaurant furniture but that is another story, So the best place to sell the logo bar stool is to a big company that has lots of dealers. Those dealers should have a parts counter. Take any auto parts store, they have a parts counter. Any company who manufactures anything that goes into a car can send stools to the repair ship to help sell their parts. We did a 500 piece order for an extended warranty company. They sent the bar stools to different auto dealers. We have made bar stools for gun manufacturers and shipped them to the various gun dealers. We have done stools for American Standard, and Bryant and Kohler. All of those companies have dealers with parts counters. Paint companies sell though a counter. The list goes on. If you want some help prospecting please send me an email. We are happy to help you prepare your pitch. We are the original manufacturer of logo bar stools and we still make them the same way as we did 40 years ago. That's a very good thing.